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贵州成考网>模拟试题 > 模拟试题高起点 > 英语 > 2022年贵州省成人高考高起本英语高频考题练习一


整编:贵州成考网 日期:2022-08-17 阅读:  0 在线咨询+

 [单选题]I’ll do()the doctor advised.




  Dall what


  [单选题]Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the ()charged on public transport were more







  [单选题]Rarely()so difficult a problem.

  Ashe could have faced with

  Bcould have she faced with

  Cshe could have been faced with

  Dcould she have been faced with


  [单选题]Jackson went to work()his illness.


  Beven though

  Cin spite of



  5[单选题]The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean,so that the audience could see his hero and heroine(男女英雄)in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other forever.He sent his camera crew(摄制组)out one evening to film the sunset for him.

  The next morning he said to the men,“Have you provided me with that sunset?”

  “No,sir,”the man answered.

  The director was angry.“Why not?”he asked.

  “Well,sir,”one of the men answered,“we're on the east coast here,and the sun sets in the west.We can get you a sunrise over the sea,if necessary,but not a sunset.”

  “But I want a sunset!”the director shouted.“Go to the airport,take the next flight to the west coast,and get one.”

  But then a young secretary had an idea.“Why don't you photograph a sunrise,”she suggested,“and then play it backwards?Then it'll look like a sunset.”

  “That's a good idea!”the director said.Then he turned to the camera crew and said,“Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.”

  The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay(海湾).Then at nine o'clock they took it to the director.“Here it is,sir,”they said,and gave it to him.He was very pleased.

  They all went into the studio.“All right,”the director explained,“now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye.Run the film backwards so that we can see the ’sunset’ behind them.”

  The“sunset”began,but after a quarter of minute,the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera to stop.

  The birds in the film were flying backwards,and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.

  The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because.

  Ait went well with the separation of the hero and the heroine

  Bwhen they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening

  Cit was more moving than a sunrise

  Dthe ocean looked more beautiful at sunset


  [单选题]In ancient times wealth was measured and exchanged in things that could be touched:food,tools,and precious metals and stones.Then the barter system was replaced by coins,which still had real value since they were pieces of rare metal.Coins were followed by fiat money,paper notes that have value only because everyone agrees to accept them.

  Today electronic monetary systems are gradually being introduced that will transform money into even less tangible forms,reducing it to a series of”bits and bytes”,or units of computerized information,going between machines at the speed of light.Already,electronic fund transfer allows money to be instantly sent and received by different banks,companies,and countries through computers and telecommunications devices.

  According to the passage,coins once had real value as currency because they ().

  Arepresented a great improvement over barter

  Bpermitted easy transportation of wealth

  Cwere made of precious metals

  Dcould become collector's items



  Every Chinese-language textbook starts out with the standard phrases(短语) for greeting people ;but as an American, I always found myself unable to speak freely when it came to seeing guests off at the door. Just a good-bye would not do, yet that was all I had ever learned from the terrible books. So I would smile and nod ,bowing(鞠躬) like a Japanese and searching madly for words that would smooth over the visitor´ s leaving and make them feel they would be welcome to come again. In my unease, I often hid behind the skirts of my Chinese husband´ s kindness.

  Then finally ,listening to others, I began to pick up the phrases that eased relationships and sent people off not only successfully but also skillfully.

  Partings for the Chinese include a lot of necessary habitual practice. Although I´ m not expected to observe or even know all the rules, as a foreigner, I´ ve had to learn the expressions of politeness and protest(抗议,反对) at a leaving-taking.

  The Chinese feel they must see a guest off to the farthest possible point-down the flight of stairs to the street below or perhaps all the way to the nearest bus stop. I´ ve sometimes waited half an hour or more for my husband to return from seeing a guest off ,since he´ s gone to the bus stop and waited for the next bus to arrive.

  That´s very well ,but when I´ m the guest being seen off, my protests are always useless. My hostess or host ,or both ,insists on seeing me down the stairs and well on my way ,with my repeating the "Don´t bother( give the trouble)to see me off" at every landing. If I try to go fast to discourage them from following, they are simply out to the discomfort of having to run after me.Better to accept the inevitable( 不可避免的).

  Besides ,that´s going against Chinese custom, because haste (doing things quickly)is to be avoided. What do you say when you part from someone? "Go slowly. "Not farewell or Godspeed (祝福), but "Go slowly. ". To the Chinese it means "Take care" or "Watch your step" ,or some such caution, but translated literally(照字面地) it means "Go slowly".

  According to the passage all of the following are necessary in the Chinese partings except

  Aseeing the guests off to the farthest point

  Bprotesting again and again

  Crunning after the guests

  Dsaying "Go slowly"



  It may be pointed out that warfare(战争) as practiced by man has no parallel in nature ,This is to say that within the more highly developed animal populations of this earth, there is not now. nor has there been similar destruction within a species(物种) itself. In fact ,one has to go to the lowliest forms of animal life, such as certain kinds of ants, to find anything comparable to human warfare. It is a curious fact that mankind appears to give the killing of his own kind a good reason by imaging that it is a "law of nature". There are now a lot of wrong ideas about the laws of nature, of which this is one of the most incorrect and fateful(致命的). Political beliefs have been based upon it with results that have come near to destroying human civilization. The theory that war is a biological necessity. that it is nature´s method of controlling population and believing in the survival(生存) of the strong and the elimination(灭亡) of the weak, is totally wrong and insupportable. Within the last century. when wars have been common all over the world ,the human population of the earth has almost doubled.

  The main idea of this passage is

  Awarfare is a "law of nature"

  Bwarfare is not a "law of nature"

  Cwarfare does not control human population

  Dnone of the lowlier animals, except ants, practice warfare upon their own species



  Linda:Hello! This is Linda speaking.

  Chris:Hello, Linda, this is Chris. _______51________ this Friday evening?

  Linda:Yes, why?

  Chris:There’s a good concert, and I’ve got two tickets. I wonder ________52_______.

  Linda:That’s great! _________53_________?

  Chris:7 o’clock. But how about _________54__________ at 6:45?

  Linda:OK. I think I can make it.

  Chris:After the concert,________55_________,shall we?

  Linda:Wonderful! Why don’t we go to a Chinese restaurant?

  Chris:Why not? OK,see you Friday.

  Linda:See you then. Bye!



  Are you free/Do you have time









